Our Prices


Initial consultation Free of charge
Single basic Will £350.00 plus vat of £70.00 total £420.00
Amendment of Single basic Will from £230.00 plus vat of £46.00 total £276.00
Basic Will for a couple £600.00 plus vat of £120.00 total £720.00
Amendment of Couple’s basic Wills from £400.00 plus vat of £80.00 total £480.00
Living Will (advance directive) £195.00 plus vat of £39.00 total £234.00
Disabled Person Trust Will (Discretionary Trust) £600.00 plus vat of £120.00 total £720.00
Disabled Person Trust Will (Discretionary Trust, Couple) £1100.00 plus vat of £220.00 total £1320.00



Initial consultation Free of charge
Life Interest Trust Wills (Single Person) £400.00 plus vat of £80.00 total £480.00
Life Interest Trust Wills (Couple) £750.00 plus vat of £150.00 total £900.00



Estate Planning hourly rate  £275 per hour plus vat



Initial consultation Free of charge
Single Lasting Power of Attorney Property and Finances including registration (one document) £500.00 plus vat of £100.00 registration fee £82.00 total £682.00
Single Lasting Power of Attorney Health and Welfare including registration (one document) £500.00 plus vat of £100.00 registration fee £82.00 total £682.00
Couple’s Lasting Powers of Attorney Property and Finance including registration (two documents) £1,000.00 plus vat of £200.00 registration fees £164.00 total £1364.00
Couple’s Lasting Powers of Attorney Health and Welfare including registration (two documents) £1,000.00 plus vat of £200.00 registration fees £164.00 total £1364.00
Lasting Powers of Attorney Property and Finances and Lasting Powers of Attorney Health and Welfare including registration (two documents) £750.00 plus vat of £150.00 registration fee £164.00 total £1064.00
Couple’s Lasting Powers of Attorney Property and Finances and Lasting Powers of Attorney Health and Welfare including registration (four documents) £1,500.00 plus vat of £300.00 registration fee £328.00 total £2,128.00
Registration of Enduring Power of Attorney £500.00 plus vat of £100.00 registration fee £82.00 total £682.00
Deputyship Deputyship is dependant on circumstances. £275 plus VAT per hour plus Court fee of £371



Initial telephone consultation Free of charge
Obtaining Grant of Probate starting at £995.00 plus vat of £199.00 total £1,194.00 plus third party costs Probate Registry fees £155.00 plus £1.50 for each copy of the Grant of Probate
Obtaining Letters of Administration starting at £995.00 plus vat of £199.00 total £1,194.00 plus third party costs Probate Registry fees £155.00 plus £1.50 for each copy of the Letters of Administration
Probate work if required beyond obtaining the Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration, including obtaining the Grant £27.50 plus vat of £5.50 in total £33.00 for six minutes work, per letter or 6 minute telephone call.
  Estimated Charges
  • For an estate valued at £250,000 or under approximate costs starting at £3,000 plus vat of £600 and Probate Registry fees of £155.00 plus £1.50 for each copy of the Grant of Probate
  • For an estate valued at between £250,001 and £500,000 approximate costs starting at £4,500 plus vat of £900 and Probate Registry fees of £155.00 plus £1.50 for each copy of the Grant of Probate
  • For an estate valued over £500,000 costs to be agreed and Probate Registry fees of £155.00 plus £1.50 for each copy of the Grant of Probate



Estimated Costs

We have prepared a table (see below) of the estimated costs of a sale of both leasehold and freehold property, there are additional fees for selling an apartment and you will also have to pay for a management pack. The cost of this varies between management companies and you would have to enquire of your management company to ascertain this fee.


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursement on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. The disbursements quoted are on the basis that only one will be required, if more than one document needs to be obtained from the land registry these will incur additional costs.

Our fee assumes that:

  1. This is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction.
  2. There is only one mortgage to redeem.
  3. The transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complications arise
  4. All parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation
  5. No indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements will apply if indemnity policies are required.
  6. You do not require assistance in a different language (for example, Polish).
  7. There may be additional charges depending on the locality of the property you are selling.

Add further £300.00 plus VAT for an apartment transaction and a further £200.00 plus VAT for a shared ownership transaction

Add further £100.00 plus £20.00 VAT for a Leasehold House transaction.

For properties priced at £1,000,000.00 or more  check with fee earner but estimated at a charging rate of £400.00 plus VAT plus disbursements.


Sale price £0 – £200,000.00
Fees £850.00
VAT £170.00
TT £36.00
OCE  per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £1,109.40


Sale Price £200,000.00- £299,999.00
Fees £950.00
VAT £190.00
TT £36.00
OCE per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £1,229.40


Sale price £300,001.00- £399,999.00
Fees £1,095.00
VAT £219.00
TT £36.00
OCE per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £1,403.40


Sale Price £400,000.00- £499,999.00
Fees £1,195.00
VAT £239.00
TT £36.00
OCE per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £1,523.40


Sale Price £500,000.00- £749,999.00
Fees £1,350.00
VAT £270.00
TT £36.00
OCE per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £1,709.40


Sale Price £750,000.00- £999,999.00
Fees £1,600.00
VAT £320.00
TT £36.00
OCE per title £3.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40

Redeeming Mortgage

– TT Fee inc VAT

Total £2,009.40



For Leasehold apartments please add £300.00 plus VAT (£60.00)

Help to Buy ISA’s add £50.00 plus VAT (£10.00) for each ISA or LISAs

For properties priced at £1,000,000.00 or more check with fee earner but estimated at additional £400.00 plus VAT plus disbursements


Purchase price £0 – £79,999.00

£80,000.00 –


£100,000.00 –


Fees £850.00 £850.00 £950.00
VAT £170.00 £170.00 £190.00
TT inc. VAT £36.00 £36.00 £36.00
Stamp Duty Admin fee inc. VAT £90.00 £90.00 £90.00
Search pack (local, water, FC) £269.00 £269.00 £269.00
Bankruptcy Search (per person) £2.00 £2.00 £2.00
Land Registry Search £3.00 £3.00 £3.00
Land Registry Fee (registered titles) £20.00 £40.00 £100.00
ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40 £14.40 £14.40
If obtaining mortgage Fee inc VAT £180.00 £180.00 £180.00
Total £1,634.40 £1,654.40 £1,834.40


Purchase Price £200,000.00- £299,999.00
Fees £1,100.00
VAT £220.00
TT  inc. VAT £36.00

Stamp Duty Admin Fee



Search Pack (local, water





Bankruptcy Search (per


Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £2,064.40


Purchase Price £300,000.00- £399,999.00
Fees £1,250.00
VAT £250.00
TT  inc. VAT £36.00

Stamp Duty Admin Fee



Search Pack (local, water





Bankruptcy Search (per


Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £2,244.40


Purchase Price £400,00.00- £499,999.00
Fees £1,300.00
VAT £260.00
TT  inc. VAT £36.00

Stamp Duty Admin Fee



Search Pack (local, water





Bankruptcy Search (per


Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £2,322.40


Purchase Price £500,000.00 -£749,999.00
Fees £1,650.00
VAT £330.00
TT inc. VAT £36.00

Stamp duty admin fee



Search Pack (local, water



Bankruptcy Search (per


 Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £2,887.40


Purchase Price £750,000.00- £999,999.00
Fees £1,800.00
VAT £360.00
TT inc VAT £36.00

Stamp Duty Admin Fee



Search Pack (local, water



 Bankruptcy Search

(per person)

Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £3,067.40


Purchase Price £1,000,000 and over – TBC WITH FEE EARNER
Fees £2,000.00
VAT £400.00
TT inc. VAT £36.00

Stamp Duty Admin Fee



Search Pack (local, water



 Bankruptcy Search

(per person)

Land Registry Search £3.00

Land Registry Fee

(registered titles)

ID search & Bio-metric Check (Per person) £14.40
Mortgage Fee inc. VAT £180.00
Total £3,512.40


For properties priced at £1,000,000.00 or more we charge at a charging rate of £180 plus VAT (depending on the fee earner handling your case) plus disbursements.

Other Property/Land Transactions

Transfer of Equity/Ownership – No Mortgage Lender involved £625 plus vat of £125 plus third party expenses
Transfer of Equity/Ownership – Mortgage Lender involved £695 plus vat of £139 plus third party expenses
Remortgage £695 plus vat of £139 plus third party expenses
Remortgage with a Transfer of Equity/Ownership £795 plus vat of £159 plus third party expenses
First Registration of property with HM Land Registry – No related Sale/Purchase £695 plus vat £139 plus third party expenses
Purchase of Freehold/Rentcharge £545 plus vat of £109 plus third party expenses
Miscellaneous Charges – As Applicable
Declaration of Trust £250 plus vat of £50
Mortgage Redemption/Clearance on a sale – Standard Mortgage £30 plus vat of £6
Help to Buy Mortgage Redemption/Clearance on a Sale (including Bank Transfer Charge) £125.00 plus vat of £25.00
Help to Buy ISA on a Purchase £50 plus vat of £10 per ISA
Statutory Declaration Preparation – Property Sale £145 plus vat of £29
Gifted Deposit on a purchase £100 plus vat of £20
Property Indemnity Insurance – Property Sale arranging £40 plus vat of £8 each
Severance of Joint Tenancy/Ownership to a Tenancy in Common £245.00 plus vat of £49 plus Land Registry records £3/£6
Bank Transfer Charge – include arranging this £30 plus vat of £6
Stamp Duty Return to HM Revenue and Customs including Electronic Payment of Stamp Duty
  £75 plus vat of £15
Leasehold House – Dealing with the leasehold element of a Transaction £100.00 plus vat of £20.00 per transaction.



Initial telephone consultation Free of charge
Settlement/Redundancy/Compromise Agreement £350.00 – £500.00 (depending on complexity) plus vat.

Get in Touch

Use the form below to contact us, or call on: 0161 432 5757

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